Why didn’t anyone tell me Nowinski was blogging from the Convention? This is cool. Reminds me that I need to figure out why I haven’t been getting voter info.

Why didn’t anyone tell me Nowinski was blogging from the Convention?

This is cool. Reminds me that I need to figure out why I haven’t been getting voter info.

One thought on “YALE RULES”

  1. Thanks for the link. One of the Stablewars regulars is gonna love this.

    He got his ass kicked by a nine-year-old in presidential trivia? I’d love to see just what the questions were – you’d expect better from a freaking Hah-vad graduate.

    (Don’t get me wrong, I love Nowinski just as much as anyone else – but not as much as the guy I referenced above, of course – but I was a Cornellian for the briefest of times, and the Harvard-hating aspect of the experience has a way of sticking with you…) ;)

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