A new (ugly) beginning

The key was me stopping being a moron.


This is how thecubsfan.com would look – if I totally lost my mind and just left the default values for Moveable Type.

I can’t tell you how happy I am to see the default values. The key was me stopping being a moron.

I’m gonna change around a whole of stuff when I’m semicoherent. Old logo returns, leftbox is back if I can figure out how to get it working again, that calendar over there is LONG GONE and surely other stuff. I’d like to bring back that menu bar, but it was taking up so much above the fold room (as was the left box) that I don’t think it can come back like that. Maybe something sweet down the side, that’s the ticket.

Now, to try to Excerpt box for no reason. Feel free to use the comments for death threats and/or feedback on what you liked about the old version.

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